The journey, not the arrival, matters. T.S. Elliot

Friday, April 19, 2024

Chapter 3 - Day 18 - Goodbye New Mexico... HELLO Colorado


The night was great. We slept so soundly but we didn't see any mule deer. Bummer for sure. Working was fine and the good cellular connection was great. 

Six Mile Canyon is a BLM area in New Mexico, which means it's maintained by the DEC or similar state department. Nothing is offered, including actual parking areas. But, it's free, and first come first served. I was fairly alone with only another couple of campers farther down the road.

The drive out of New Mexico was a slow march to sand dunes. Beautiful but stark.

The minute we crossed into Colorado there was a small spring-fed 'river' which gave the area greenery. 

The HarvestHosts location for the night is the Yellow Car Country Winery in Cortez, CO. They make a ton of different non-grape wines. Blueberry, apricot, pear, etc. I of course walked out with a few bottles. 

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Chapter 4 - Weekend 2 - Hazlitt's and Friend Matt's Camp

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