The journey, not the arrival, matters. T.S. Elliot

Friday, April 19, 2024

Chapter 3 - Day 17 - Autoimmune things suck and holy security, Batman


I've been battling a bout of stupid stomach stuff. It took me a couple of days to get over it, so I'm writing this on the 19th.

I'm glad I take photos so often because it really does remind me of the stories.

I headed to Albuquerque to pick up a Walmart order. Firstly, let me tell you that there are three (3) Walmarts with ALB addresses all on the same road. Which will feed into my story.

I drove to Walmart about an hour before I was to pick up my order. When I parked I found it strange that there were a few security cars up by the building, but I've seen the same if there has been an issue at a local Walmart. But... this wasn't the case. There wasn't an issue or a training going on.

Four security vehicles circled and drove through the parking lot for the hour I sat there. When I went inside to grab something I hadn't ordered I noticed the two additional security guards, in full tactical gear, just inside the store. When I was leaving the Walmart employee that checked my receipt wished me a good day and 'stay safe'. Um. 

It was determined, after I'd blocked a mess of people trying to park, but I'd ordered from a different Walmart. Twenty minutes later I pulled into another highly-guarded Walmart parking lot. My order was brought out and I headed off to I40 to head toward Colorado. 

Before long, though, I noticed three cops behind me. Not for me, no, for a red car in front of me that another sheriff pulled over. The three behind me whipped around me, surrounded the car, and all the police piled out of the vehicles while drawing their weapons. 


So, yeah, I'm glad to leave Albuquerque.

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