The journey, not the arrival, matters. T.S. Elliot

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Chapter 2 - Day 25 - Extra Edition

 I didn't want to mar the loveliness of the Houmas House with the following story.

We headed toward Lake Fausse Pointe State Park. Why there, you ask? Because after two rainy, grey days I was low on POWER. I needed some electricity and laundry. So, off to the internet I went looking for those two things. 

What I didn't realize is that Google has a sense of evil humor. Yep, you heard me right. Maps did me dirty.

That map. That purple highlight? Fifteen miles of mud, puddles, more mud, gravel and mud, gravel, BOULDERS, more mud and mud. Enough so that in the end I was cheering The Beast on for her ability to handle the mud like we were in seven inches of slush at home. We skidded, spun, slid and slalomed our way through it. 

Why not turn around you ask? Well, The Beast is 30 feet long. Which means I need a LOT of road or area to turn her around. I had fifteen at best and the edges were NOT to be touched. Nope. So, I kept on driving. Patting the steering wheel with each piece of crazy we got through.

It was fun, after my heart rate got back to normal. And it proved that not only can I, but the Beast as well, can handle the slickest of shit.

Oh, and I saw two bald eagles while on the highway of hellishness. And a bunch of beehives.

So, this was the aftermath. I wish I'd taken a pic of the back of her with the caked on mud but I didn't.

Chalked it up to an adventure and a good story. I did get my laundry done.

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