The journey, not the arrival, matters. T.S. Elliot

Friday, January 12, 2024

Chapter 1 - Tornado Warning Sirens... and all the weather

 Our drive to Little Rock was uneventful. We saw the crazy huge BassPro Pyramid in Memphis, TN, watched a cargo container 'thing' moving cargo while at a stoplight, experienced ALL the potholes around Memphis, marveled at the cars that would never be legal in NY, decided we could build an entire highway with all the tires we saw on the side of the road, and made it to Little Rock to eat Subway. Oh, and Clay took a truckstop shower and said it was amazing. Best $17 so far on the trip.

It started raining as we headed the few minutes to BassPro. We dug into some Ben and Jerry's. Clay whined about not sleeping through thunder and I reminded them they have noise canceling headphones. We hunkered down, went to bed and let the weather gods rain hail, fire and brimstone upon us. Our good night ended there. 

Cue the lightning and thunder, pouring rain and slight wind. I settled down and dozed, knowing I needed to get some form of sleep. Until...

Let me tell you. This northern girl hasn't felt that type of adrenaline rush from fear in a LONG time. Long time. First our phones blared a noise it's never made, then a warning, nay, an order to seek shelter pops up. But that's not what chilled my bones and had me scrambling to put socks and sneakers on 'just in case'. It's the siren. The loud, single tone tornado siren that you can hear coming across the county as the warning moves. The long note made my blood run cold.

Clay and I sat watching the trees around us as I tried to come up with a plan other than 'run to the building'. We prepped our purses and waited. Watching. 

Then, you could hear the siren start again before it popped up on our phones. 

I will fully admit to questioning my sanity in undertaking this adventure for about two hours last night. As I sat waiting for something to happen. 

Around 1:15 the storm lessened and it calmed some. I went back to sleep for a few hours and I'm pretty sure Clay didn't. At 4:30 it started up again with the pouring rain, small hail and wind. When I tell you I slept I really did, but fitfully. Until 6am when I decided we needed to get on the road to avoid the next storm, wind this time, that is kicking off at 9am.

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