The journey, not the arrival, matters. T.S. Elliot

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Chapter 4 - Weekend 2 - Hazlitt's and Friend Matt's Camp


Ben suggested a quick weekend, which I jumped on. In scanning over Harvest Hosts for a quick location I nearly shouted with excitement when I saw Hazlitt's Winery in Naples, NY. Anyone that is a recreational wine drinker in WNY should know RedCat wine from Hazlitt's. If you're from this area, of age and looking quizzically at the post... go get some RedCat!

Anywho, headed to Naples, NY in the Beast on Friday afternoon. The drive was fine and easy. The Fingerlakes Region is just down I-90 from us, making it a super easy place to head to. Found the HarvestHosts parking sign after a little driving around, then needed dinner. No, we didn't cook. Pfft. We ordered delivery of course. Luigi's in Naples offers delivery, which is good because there is NOTHING offered like GrubHub or others in Central New York.

Dinner was Hawaiian pizza, tossed salad and chicken fingers. After dinner we walked up the hill to Engine 14 Brewery for a few beers and live music. This is a new brewery started by some Kodak retirees and Rochester Firefighters which leads to some cool firefighting decor. They brew a mess of different beers themselves and then bring in local wines. It was a relaxing and enjoyable evening.

The morning broke very warm and sunny. We had coffee before heading up the hill again to Hazlitt's tasting room. Because it was so early there was no one else there. We tasted six wines and came home with a case. 

Shortly after returning to the Beast Ben and I headed off to our friend Matt's camp. On the way we stopped at Brewery Ardennes Taproom & Kitchen. I was looking for something unique and found it. Again they brew a mess of different types of beer but it was the food that grabbed my attention. Corn gazpacho? What? Let me tell you that it was bright and summery.

I didn't get any pics of the camp, but we had a good time hanging out. 

Another great weekend in the books.

Mother and the Spawn's Father :D

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Chapter 4 - The Summer of 2024 - Cooperstown, NY

 LOL Sounds impressive doesn't it? Not as much as some of the Gen X stuff I've seen out there about being born in the 1900's and whatnot. 

Anywho, I'll be blogging what little travel we do in the summer, firstly because it's important to keep up with things I've learned along the way, and The Beast deserves her time in the limelight.

This weekend we headed to Cooperstown NY area to do a rail bike adventure. 

June 21 - Home to Pompey, NY

After work on Friday we headed out to Pompey, NY, a small area outside Syracuse. I found a neat beer pub to stay via Harvest Hosts. The ride was fine although we hit a few snags like a totally out of the way detour on Route 20 and a low bridge outside 'Cuse.

Arriving at Heritage Hill Brewhaus we found ourselves at a very cool brewery, event place, petting zoo... basically all the things... kind of place. They were actually closed for a private event when we arrived but the host let us know we could absolutely enjoy the bar and the band.

After giving us directions to our parking spot the host arrived with a golf cart to take us back up to the brewhaus. We'd parked down the hill in a field-ish area. Perfect for a good night's sleep, but far enough from the ruckus. 

Firstly, the beer and drinks were great. They brew and have local beers as well. Ben tried a few different ones while I stuck to mules of different kinds. What? I like my mules. :D

The event going on was a fundraiser put on by Spatchcock Funk, a vlog, youtube channel, whatnot. basically they are into good, funky music, parties and FOOD. They were throwing Smoke-a-palooza at the brewhaus to raise money for the local PBS station. The band, Sophistafunk, was rocking while we drank and enjoyed from the bar. We did pop into the barn for a few minutes to listen and it was funk-tastic. 

We slept fine. The party ended around 10pm I think. We were back at the camper by then, attempting to enjoy a fire but the mosquitos were BAD. Someone, me, forgot to pack the bug spray. I didn't need that in Utah.

Oh, Strawberry Moon as well.

June 22 - Pompey to Milford

We grabbed lunch at the bar again before heading out. I had something they call The Goat. So good. And Ben got a burger. The best thing were the pickle fries. Don't knock them, they were fantastic.

Then off to Milford, just south of Cooperstown. That's when we ran into the detour on Route 20. The farm we visited in Milford was a Harvest Hosts location as well. Sunny Acres Swiss is located right on Route 28 just south of Milford town. They have a farmstand with all kinds of goodies to include beef, milk, eggs, bagels, pies and more. The coolest thing about the stand is that they are open 24/7 with a self pay setup. Very progressive and honestly ingenious.

After a very short nap we headed back into Milford for our rail bike adventure with Rail Explorers. It was about 82 degrees when we parked. I was NOT looking forward to a leg workout in those temps. But, I shouldn't have worried. Their battery-assisted rail bikes are so easy. Honestly Ben did a quick pedal-pedal to kick start it and then really didn't need to pedal anymore. Of course he DID pedal more, because it would make the rail car speed, but he didn't have to.

At the halfway point they stop us all, turn the cars around and back we went.

It was really fun and definitely worth doing in the fall when the leaves are changing.

We grabbed dinner at the Rusty Bison in south Cooperstown. I had a fantastic fish sandwich and Ben had brisket and mac n cheese. I'd asked if we could do perogies as an appetizer and they obliged, I'm really glad they did because the perogies were really good.

About 20 minutes after we'd parked for the night it started to rain, torrentially. Is that a word? Thunder, lightning, wind, downpour. I'm glad we were in the camper and parked.

June 23 - Milford to home

After coffee, and some pie, we headed off to the KOA outside Cooperstown to dump the tanks. 

I'm going to rant a little here about New York and the lack of 'stuff'. Dumps for RV's are plentiful outside of NY, or at least anywhere I've gone. Not only do the campgrounds and RV parks all allow you to pay a nominal fee to use theirs if you aren't staying at a location, but many, dare I say MOST trucker stops have one you can pay to use. Hell, in a small town in Oklahoma one of the town parks had one for free. Today I had to call around to find a campground on our way that even ALLOWED for someone to pay to use their dump. KOA did, obviously because that's where we went, but for quite a bit more than any other place I've gone. 

Ok, so after taking care of that we headed to BassPro and lunch. Food was acquired at Casa Azteca across from BassPro. It was a good mexican restaurant with good food and atmosphere. BassPro was it's normal self. We came out with a couple fishing lures and swivels.

Homeward bound gave us some wind and raindrops, but the way was fine. We got home, unpacked and are relaxing. A fun weekend out with the Hubs and The Beast. 

Love and hugs, Mother and the Hubby

Chapter 3 - Day 34 through 40 - The Long Journey Home

 5/4 to 5/10/24

The original plan was for me to stay in Utah for an additional week and then take the slow roll home on Route 20. That pathway is supposed to be similar to Route 66 in it's historic and nostalgic overtones. BUT... that's not what happened.

Instead I dropped Ben at the airport in the morning on the 4th and started heading East. Good thing, too, because there were storms brewing with the promise of 75+ mph wind gusts across the mountains and plains.

The drive home was a blur. I stayed the first night in WY (Saturday). Then was stuck in Nebraska for three nights because of the winds (Sun, Mon, Tue). Wednesday night I was in Iowa, then Illinois Thursday. Friday morning I woke and headed east with the plan to stop at somepoint and sleep. Instead I powered through and made it home Friday at 9pm.

I didn't take photos, didn't stop at sights, didn't try to find cool things to do. I just needed to get home. But what photos I did take are below:


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Chapter 3 - Day 33 - Great Salt Lake and Salt Flats


This was Ben's last full day in Utah. We left our campsite in the morning and headed north and then west to visit Bonneville Salt Flats. The road across the flats was literally the longest, flattest, straightest road I'd ever driven. Miles of flat. Straightness of straight. 

We headed back toward Salt Lake City after playing in the salty water and driving around to look at the flats.

We camped at Great Salt Lake State Park which really was just a marina with a couple of RV spots. But it had an absolutely beautiful sunset.

Chapter 4 - Weekend 2 - Hazlitt's and Friend Matt's Camp

 7/12-7/14 Ben suggested a quick weekend, which I jumped on. In scanning over Harvest Hosts for a quick location I nearly shouted with exci...